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Tuesday 12 October 2010

The Hero Returns?

Tonight I bump into Jenny who's down from Kopan and we have a drink, she's heading off to India soon, to work in Kolkutta or whatever they call it now. We're both interested in the way people here just get on with life - the power goes out, no problem, and life never seems to get anyone down. 

It's 2200 and there are people who have been at work since 0900, laughing and joking. Imagine that in the UK!

I leave Jenny at KGH and pop into Northfields for some nosh and a beer, and sit up on the high table, barefoot and cross legged and eat Nepali style. The waiters buzz about and I can see everyone, the couples bored with each other looking at the wall or the floor, those excited to have got back from trekking, and those who just drift on through.

The bar might be busy but I am served first and all the waiters take time to come and say Namaste. Then one asks if the manger can interrupt my eating. He chats for a while, tells me he heard about the rude guy earlier and I am a brother of the restaurant, he had asked to waiters to look after my every need. So I sit here while people call for bills and service and I'm asked  'Justin, everything ram-ro?'

It's a bit weird, I didn't want to become  'that guy', but I like the fact I have done some good, maybe. I learn a new word everytime I can, man-li means sexy, and it's amusing to have one of the waiters follow a girl past me and call out 'man-li' and wink at me. 

So manager guy has given me a card in Nepali that apparently gets me 40% off at the top Newari restaurant in town,  where govt people eat. I'll save that as a post trek treat I think.


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